General appearance because of magic type.
The home of the most magically-inclined dragon species is a network of self-constructed plains and meadows connected by tall mountain tops and covered in frost and ice. The Magic Crafters homeworld is littered with icy steps, frosted peaks, checkerboard paths, moving platforms, and alpine trees of all sizes. Pools of crystal-clear water dot each area; the caves built into the mountains are smooth and decorated with all sorts of pretty patterns.
community census... coming soon...
Magic Crafters are the sole providers of arcane artifacts, be them mundane or grandiose, such as "ever-light" lamps, floating bridges, as well as "supercharge" ramps and platforms.
They can also temporarily imbue enchantments on living creatures, be it to change their appearance or size, to grant them a more powerful breath ability, or to enhance a dragon's existing magic.
[Aquifers] [Artisans]
[Beast Makers] [Dream Weavers] [Horizon Farers] [Magic Crafters]
[Mechinists] [Peace Keepers]