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General appearance & magic.

Living atop a series of floating islands high above the clouds, the Dream Weavers have built elaborate castles and temples on grassy knolls, and crystallized structures for resting, playing, and practicing their arts. Water streams confusingly fall up instead of down, swirling into pools where they collect. The sky is a plethora of colors, constantly changing with the clouds as they pass by. Sparkling whirlwind-funnels carry passengers to each island (relatively) safely.

community census

community census... coming soon...


Shapers of dreams and sworn enemies of nightmares, Dream Weavers are the protectors of all sleeping dragons. Because of how magically charged dragons naturally are, the waking world is not the only thing that can hurt them; even in the dreamscape, there are things that hunger for their magic.

At least, that's what the Dream Weavers say.

They believe in a force known as the "Unawakening," which once threatened to keep dragonkind asleep until all their magic was consumed. This was when many Dream Weavers discovered their innate dreamwalking abilities, how they rallied together and fought back the collective nightmare.

Not many outside of Dream Weaver circles recall, or even believe in this "Unawakening," thinking the sleepy-headed dragons to be perhaps too wrapped up in their own daydreams.

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Hearthworld Theme [Dream Weavers']